If the dumping of wastes is conducted from vessels, the harbour superintendency administration of the port of departure or of a nearby harbour shall be notified for verification. 利用船舶倾倒废弃物的,还应通知驶出港或就近的港务监督核实。
Vessels that have finished the said dumping must present a written report to the harbour superintendency administration at the port of departure. 倾倒废弃物的船舶须向驶出港的港务监督作出书面报告。
A Probing Analysis of the Port of Departure on "the Silk Road at Sea" in China 中国海上丝路始发港探源
Panyu: The Earliest Set Sail Port of the Maritime Silk Route of South China& Some Views on A Review on Researches in Earliest Departure Harbor of Silk Road on Sea in Ancient China 番禺是华南海上丝路最早的始发港&对《关于中国古代海上丝绸之路最早始发港研究述评》的意见